











Dear Possible Relative!
Quick Pick Father:

This website is dedicated to the ancestry of Sundheim, Sundem & Svennes in Valdres-Norway.

If you believe there is a chance you may be related to the Sundheim, Sundem or Svennes in Valdres in Norway, please make contact!  Even if you are not directly related, you may still find clues on this site.

We have more than 1900 individuals in our database at this time. This is thanks to all of YOU who have contributed.

Want to help out? Check out my "Genealogy Most Wanted"

MESSAGE TO CONTACT SEEKERS!     The email address genealogy& is no more, due to the spam plague! Pls use the mailform instead!

Unfortunately life's realities have more and more "taken over" my life, so I am not able to pursue my passion for genealogy with the same degree of eager as before. I am however very grateful for any contact that is made, and I am happy to try to answer any questions you may have!

I have had serious computer problems, but now I am back up, and trying to catch up on corresponance & genealogy follow up. Hope to soon get in touch with those who are waiting soon!

If you have any information you are willing to share, please do not hesitate to make contact.

I would like to direct a special invitation to all Brustuen, possibly  from Gausdal in Norway. My fathers mother side relate to Simen Brustuen.

NEW FRESH! Dynamic Family Free (Sep2005).   If you need Java, download here!

Pedigree of Sundheim (Sep2005)

Photos from Valdres-Norway (July2001)

Sundheim, where is that?

Quick Pick Mother:

My mother's father was killed by German submarine in 1940


Copyright © Sundheim Innovations , Last updated 09SEP2005