Wanted: Eleanor Ann Richards, 1922
This is a “Genealogy Most Wanted” notification to anyone that have information concerning Eleanor Ann Richards, aka Eleanor Sundheim, as she may be a close relative. She was born in Montana 1922, and lived in Pontiac Michigan most of her life, and it looks like she passed away in 2006. The Census 1940 suggest address Highland Township, Oakland, Michigan. She may have lived in Superior WI as well. Parents was Edward P Richards b.1882 & Marion Alberta Peabody b.1882. Sister was Margaret (or Margurete) b.1924. Grandmum Hattie M (Harriet) Peabody of New York, b.1843. Eleanor’s SSN may have been: US 371-20-5970.
- 1930 Census: Familysearch
- 1940 Census: Familysearch
- Possible match in Death Index: Familysearch , Ancestry
- Possible match in Public Record: Familysearch
- Marriage Certificate: Ancestry
- City Directory at Ancestry: 1947 (Iver: baker at Oakland Dairy)
- City Directory at Ancestry: 1953 (Iver: baker at Thomas Donut Shop)
- Roger Gordons familytree at Ancestry
Found someone that posted a familytree on Familysearch for Marion Alberta Peabody b.1882, which seems a match!
Anyone with access to US data, kindly help investigate Eleanor, and send me a message via the contact form on this site.
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