Visit to Sundheim 2020

This summer we visited Sundheim in Valdres again, and stopped by Nils Wardberg for a coffee. One task this time was to take some new photos from Rye-Berget viewpoint. Later we drove up to the Sundheim summer gracing area of Langestølen, where we spent the night camping & fishing. Enclosed is a selection of photos we thought we would like to share with our viewers.

Rye, Sundheim, Ulnes and Svennes in Valdres looking north from Rye-Berget viewpoint
Sundheim and Ulnes, looking north from Rye-Berget viewpoint
Sundheim, looking north from Rye-Berget viewpoint
Sundheim farms, looking west from Ulnes church
Svennes farm and Svennes camping (Ulnes church in the far left)
Sundheim farms summer gracing “støls” at Langestølen
Lucky catch – our dinner at Langestølen

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