Brig “URDA” of Tvedestrand

Andreas Syvertsen b.1857 was half-brother to Peder Olsen b.1837, and they lived together at Næs in Dypvåg on the 1865 census, as well as with Peder Olsens cousin Hans Hansens family. Andreas signed on “URDA” in Tvedestrand, Norway in 1875. This was his first vessel at the age of 17., and he signed on as a “Youngman”. The ship was of type “Brig“, and was bound for the Eastersea. In the census for 1875, it is mentioned that the ship was on route for the Meditteranian Sea. So far, this is the last we know about Andreas, what happened to him is a mystery?

Further investigations show that he actually signed on the vessel 14.06.1875. At the same time, several other crewmembers signed on. Among the sign-ons was Captain Olavus Olsen, and AB Aksel Johan Kristiansen b.1856. (As facts will show, Aksel is later married to Andreas Syversten’s niece, Caroline Pedersdatter in 1884)

Tvedestrand Annotasjonsrulle 1036 – Andreas Syvertsen

If we follow the seaman records, there is no further trace of Andreas, but what if we follow Aksel instead? Aksels records show he signes off the vessel in Halifax, Nova Scotia Sep 1876 after 14 months service. Olsen is still captain.


An “unbelieveble storm” September 1875

Morgenbladet, lørdag 9. oktober 1875
Bergens tidende, torsdag 23. desember 1875

There was an unbelieveble storm in September 1875, and more than 200 ships was reported shipwrecked in the North Sea. Among these ships was “Urda” possibly with minor damage, as it was reported “leak”. Since we have not located the destiny of Andreas Syvertsen, maybe something happened to him during these storms?

Ships logs

In various newspapers the ships positions and plans can be viewed. At the time, there is atleast 3 ships with the same name “URDA”. There is Schooer Urda of Drammen, and a Schooner-Brig Urda of Bergen, and a “Jagt Urda”, in addition to the Brig Urda of Tvedestrand, 1855. The captain onboard from 14 june 1875 was Olavus Olsen. Following are some relevant ships positions for the next year or so. The ship is back in Arendal, Norway around end of May 1876.

  • 20 june 1875, ESINORE passed from norwards: Urda (brig of Tvedestrand) 20 juni 1875. (Lloyds List 25 juni 1875)
  • 17 july 1878, Avis Sunderland Daily Echo torsdag 18 juli 1878. “URDA” seilte ut fra Rouen dagen før.?
  • URDA, Salvesen cleared at CALMAR for Lisabon
  • 1 Aug 1875, DROGOR , took pilots
  • 14 Aug 1875, Urda, Olsem arrived GRAVESEND 13/8 for Uleaborg (LL 27/10/1875)
  • 23 Aug 1875, Urda, Olsen GRAVESEND, f. Uleåborg
  • 31 Aug 1875, Urda Norw. brig ELSINORE passed southwards 30/8. (Loyds List 9/9/1875
  • 1 Sep 1875, Urda, Olsen , Helsingør, f. London
  • 6 Sep 1875, ELSINORE , URDA, Olsen arrived from London (Lloyds List 6 sep 75
  • 1 Oct 1875, Urda, Olsen sailde from BJORNEBORF for England
  • 4 Oct 1875, Urda, Olsen arrived Fredrikshald from Chatham (Lloyds List 16/10/1875)
  • 14 Oct Urda, Olsen , ELSINORE, arrived from Bjorneborg– for Suttonbridge (Loyds List 20/10)
  • 3 Feb. 1876, Urda, Olsen, ST. MARY’s Ga. arrived for Suttonbridge (LL 29 feb 1876)
  • 2 Mar 1876, URDA, ST.MARY’s Ga arrived – Hull (LL 29 Mar 1876)
  • 20 Apr1876, Urda af Tvedestrand, St.Thomas-Plymouth, meldt Falmouth
  • 20 Apr 1876, HTCJ URDA, Brig of Tvedestrand, St.Thomas to Plymouth (LL 26/4/1876)
  • 28 Apr 1876, Urda, Olsen Arrived Hull from St.Mary’s (LL 1 may 1876)
  • 29 Apr 1876, Urda, Gravesend f. Fstad (Morgenbladet 7 may 1876)
  • 7 May 1876, URDA, Olsen, Villssingen f.Arendal
  • 10 May 1876, Urda, Olsen, Antwerpen f.Arendal (Morgenbladet 19.05.1876)
  • 30 May 1876, Urda saild from Gravesend for LJUSNE (LL 31/may 1876)
  • 31 May 1876, URDA, Olsen sailed from HULL to Miramichi ( LL 2 june 1876)
  • 31 May 1876, Urda, Olsen sailed from Hull on May 31 for Miramich (Shipping and Mercantile Gazette 1 jun 1876
  • 25 July 1876 Arrived MIRAMICHI(Chatham) ffrom Hull ((LL 19/aug 1876)
  • 27 july 1876, URDA , Oerstad, cleared Englan at Korsoer
  • 25 Aug 1876, URDA, Olsen f. Hull
  • 14 Aug 1876, URDA beached at Magdalen Island?
Morgenbladet, fredag 20. august 1875
Morgenbladet, søndag 5. september 1875
Morgenbladet, onsdag 8. desember 1875
Morgenbladet, tirsdag 2. mai 1876
Morgenbladet, søndag 14. mai 1876
Morgenbladet, lørdag 26. august 1876
Morgenbladet, tirsdag 5. september 1876
Morgenbladet, søndag 8. oktober 1876


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