Missing: Karl Mathiasen Brustuen b.1907

Seeking information about Karl Mathiasen Brustuen b.25.10.1907, which emigrated to Canada in 1927. 

Some genealogy websites report him dead in Alberta Canada in 1964, but this remains to be verified! Family information regard him as “disappeared”.

Karl was brother to Mathea Brustuen b.1891, who migrated to Minnesota in 1911, and married Louis Hanson.

aka: Carl Matiasen Brustuen, Karl Matiasen Brustuen, Karl Simenson Brustuen

Update 2018: Found a possible match in Calgary: Garden of Peace Cemetery : Mathiasen, Carl, 2nd Aug 2000. Someone on Ancestry confirmed it is NOT a match.

Update Sep 2022: Found a very likely match in Edmonton, Alberta. Passed away 1963. Possible match, but is still unconfirmed. Chasing army records. Got a death certificate., but all identifying info is unknow. All we have is now an army id number, so we are waiting to hear from Veterans Affairs.

Any information that can shed any light about his life and death in Canada would be much appreciated. Kindly use the webform, and drop me a note!

Various findings:

  • Canada, Voters Lists, 1974 for Carl Mathiassen on Ancestry This Carl lives with Lynne in Edmonton-Strathcona, and is a Glass Glazier. Maybe a match?
  • Carl Mathiasen on FindaGrave, buried in Alberta

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